First Achievements in the World by Male & Female Categories : Celebrating Human Excellence

Throughout history, men and women have broken barriers and achieved remarkable milestones that have shaped the world we live in today. From science and sports to politics and exploration, these achievements inspire generation and remind us the limitless potential of humanity. In this blog, we ‘ll explore some of the first achievements by men and women across various field in our world.

List of First Male Achievers In World :

First in WorldNameNationality
First man to go into spaceYuri GagarinRussian
First man to walk in spaceAleksey LenovoRussian
First American man in spaceAlan ShepardAmerican
First man to walk on the moonNile ArmstrongAmerican
First man as a space touristDennis TitoAmerican
First Indian in SpaceRakesh SharmaIndian
First person to climb Mt. EverestEdmund Hillary
Tenzing Norgay
Edmund Hillary from New Zealand
Tenzing Norgay from Nepal
First man to climb Mount Everest twiceNawang GombuIndian
First man to climb all 14 of the world’s peak that are above 8,000 metersReinhold MessnerItalian
First man to reach North PoleRobert Edwin PearyUSA
First man to reach South PoleRoald AmundsenNorwegian
First person to sail around the worldFerdinand MegellanPortuguese
First European to visit India by seaVasco da GamaPortuguese
First European to visit America by seaChristopher ColumbusItalian
First European to visit China by seaMarco PoloItalian
First person to swim across the English ChannelMatthew WebbBritish
First secretary general of UNTrygve LieNorwegian
First UN deputy secretary generalLouise FrechetteCanadian
First man to fly an airplaneWilbur Wright and Orville WrightAmerican
First Prime Minister of Great BritainRobert WalpoleBritish
First president of Indian RepublicDr. Rajendra PrasadIndian
First president of AmericaGeorge WashingtonAmerican
First person to travel world by footDave KunstAmerican
First person to travel world by bicycleThomas StevensBritish
First Nobel Prize winners in PhysicsWilhelm RontgenGerman
First Nobel Prize winners in ChemistryJacobus H. van’t HoffDutch
First Nobel Prize winners in LiteratureSully PrudhommeFrench
First Nobel Prize winners in Economic ScienceRagnar Frisch
Jan Tinbergen
Ragnar Frisch was a Norwegian
Jan Tinbergen was a Dutch
First Nobel Prize winners in PeaceJean Henry Dunant
Frederic Passy
Jean Henry Dunant was a Swiss man
Frederic Passy was a French

List of First Female Achievers In World :

First in WorldNameNationality
First woman to go into spaceValentina TereshkovaRussian
First woman to walk in spaceSvetlana SavitskayaRussian
First woman as a space touristAnousheh AnsariIranian-born American businesswomen
First women to climb Mt. EverestJunko TabeiJapanese
First woman to reach North PoleAnn BancroftAmerican
First women to swim across the English ChannelGertrude EderleAmerican
First woman president in the worldIsabel PeronArgentine
First woman Prime Minister in the worldSirimavo BandaranaikeSri Lankan
First woman Nobel Prize winners in PhysicsMarie CurieFrench & Polish
First Nobel Prize winners in ChemistryMarie CurieFrench & Polish
First Nobel Prize winners in literatureSelma LagerlofSwedish
First woman to win the Nobel Peace PrizeBertha von SuttnerCzech & Hungarian
First Woman Doctor in the worldElizabeth BlackwellAnglo-American